Our hearts have been bursting at the seams over the past few months.
Next Spring, we will be welcoming our first baby to the world!
I know, I can hardly believe it myself! Finding out we were pregnant was a pretty different and incredible experience. This past Mother’s Day, even before we were married, people told us that next Mother’s Day, I’d be a mom, and we’d always joked about it, as had our friends, about having a “honeymoon baby”, and…if you’re reading this, you guys totally spoke it into existence, and I think you owe us college tuition! :-p
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” | James 1:17
Things have definitely been emotional…shock, awe, joy, shock, fear, excitement, shock, thankfulness, excitement. Hahaha, we’ve been feeling all of the emotions. At the end of the day, our hearts have never had more hope in the promises of God as they do now, and God has stretched us and grown us in ways we couldn’t have grown had our journey been different.
It’s so crazy how He knows us, knows our heart’s desire, has a plan for us that is so beyond our capacity to think, dream or imagine. When Derek and I met, God spoke to him about what our relationship would mean, what my family would mean to him, and what role he was going to play in our lives. Getting a front row pass to see God’s Word fulfilled in his life is the best experience in the world.

As for me, I don’t think there’s any role in life I’ve wanted to play more than the role of mom. I remember being 7 years old playing pretend, getting all my dolls dressed up and pretending we were going to Church. All my life I’ve wanted to be Annie Camden from 7th Heaven sitting in the front pew with my babes in tow 😀
Every single moment since that first (of SEVEN!) positive tests, I’ve told God, “You know you didn’t have to do this, but You did.” As women, we know the challenges others have faced to see those pink lines, and it’s not lost on me what a blessing it is for how shockingly quickly this blessing came, when that didn’t have to be the case. I am so thankful that this baby will be there from the very beginning, reminding the two of us everyday of the covenant we made, and of these first days when we were just 2 young crazy kids in love.
I know a lot is to come, the challenges of conquering new terrain: new home, new family, new marriage, new baby, new job, new business, new responsibilities…new, new, new. But this is what God has for us. I have full confidence that He will give me what I need to not only survive, but thrive. Energy, sleep, finances, babysitters, meals, community…there will always be more than enough. Maybe not exactly what we want, when we want it, because then that wouldn’t leave any room for His power, but my core belief is that we will be content, and we shall not be in want.
Psalm 136:3-4 Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. To Him alone who does great wonders, His love endures forever.
Next post will detail the first few weeks, finding out, symptoms, recommendations etc. 🙂
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