Our Core Values

Imagine if we begin our married life, and all of a sudden, we stopped pursuing each other, or stopped trying to find ways to make each other happy, and coasted through the next 75 years, just because thats what we saw every other married couple doing. We wouldn't have a very happy marriage would we? I like to think it's the same with our faith.

Our Father, from the very beginning of time, intended for His people to live in pursuit of Him, just as He's always been in pursuit of us. He intended for His people to be set apart from the very beginning -- that our lives would tell the story of who He is.

As we thought about it, we came up with a few core values that we want to mark our lives and our faith.

  1. We worship God, who sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins on the cross in order to bring His people back home. He named His son Jesus which literally means, to deliver, save or rescue! We believe that we can have fellowship with Him if we understand that we've broken His laws, repent, and put our faith fully on what Jesus accomplished on the cross. He paid the price to give us life! 
  2. We want to live a life that's fully taken over by The Father's love and our awareness of how Good and Great He is! Salvation creates identity.
  3. We want our lives to be an adventure through Scripture, to focus on His character, to see what He said, why He said it, and how we can apply it to our lives. To always go back to what He says in His Word. To live a life of constant connection with the Father and a personal relationship with Him. His Word transforms.
  4. When we fail, His grace always catches us. We will always be responsive to His grace and mercy.
  5. We want to learn to love only the things that He loves in order that the world might recognize that we are part of His people. He empowers us to minister to the world.

1 John 5:3 (AMP) For the [true] love of God is this: that we do His commands [keep His ordinances and are mindful of His precepts and teaching]. And these commands of His are not irksome (burdensome, oppressive, or grievous).

// Derek & Joanne