So a brief history.
I got my first apartment when I was 19 when I went to college. It was a little 200sq.ft studio, that only had a bed, a desk, a small FM radio, a propane cooker, and probably the worst bathroom you can imagine. I moved back home in about 4 months, and did the 3 hour commute for the next year, before I found a new place, still around like 250sq. ft or less lol. But I loved it, it had a balcony, I had a TV, I was pretty much set.
Then I moved to California, and lived in a big, beautiful house, with 2 palm trees on the outside and the greenest grass ever, with 4 roommates. That lasted about 3 weeks, before I moved yet again, and again, and again, and again. Some places were great, some not so great. Any time you have more than 2 adults living in the same house, more often than not, there’s going to be tension. Let’s just say my patience level reached it’s limit about 3 shared houses back haha.
This history is just a preface to give you an idea of just how excited I am to finally be in charge of my own space, to have my own bathroom, my own kitchen, my own fridge (at least until we get married 😉 ) To be able to have clean, shiny, disinfected tile surfaces – haha. I LOVE this place, Derek did great finding it 🙂

Yes, we have a mirror hung 7 ft up in the air. It’s a running joke 😀

Funny story, one of our first dinners here, we got a huge Papa Murphy’s pizza to make at home, and we turned the oven on and it wasn’t working. We spent probably 20 minutes trying to figure this oven out, checked the fuse box, even texted the landlord to find out what was going on! We were hungry and ended up just cutting up the pizza into slices and baking it piece at a time in that little toaster oven. Pizza was great, but the cheesy mess afterward was not! The next day we found out you have to turn on the knobs on the silver box on top of the oven to turn the oven on. I was only slightly embarrassed, haha, but it makes for a fun memory.

I like this picture, this is us, me with all the pretty things, the Woodsman with all the fun things.

Got these Willow Tree sculptures my first night home, and I love them, and this handsome guy 😉

You can see the Lake in the distance…

Hope you enjoyed the mini-tour!
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