I’ve been laugh-smiling for what seems like forever now. WE’RE ENGAGED!!!
I officially get to marry and spend forever with the love of my life!
We both knew and talked about wanting to get married from pretty much the week we met. But Derek had asked me if I wanted the official engagement to be a surprise, and I said yes. (Lol, I said yes :-D) Anyway, so a surprise was planned.
He told a couple of friends, and one of them almost let the cat out of the bag to me. Then, a few weeks later, I happened to check his email and saw a rush order for my engagement ring, and in the email he wrote the ring guy, he had said he needed the ring so he could propose on a certain date. I was so bummed to have accidentally found out and ruined the surprise, but it turned out the email wasn’t accurate, even though I had my nails done and makeup done and I was ready, lol. That day turned out to be a bust, and so I was back to being in suspense. Every time he picked me up to go out, I thought that would be the day, but it wasn’t.
Until today. I had the car today, so I had to go pick him up after work, and my hair wasn’t done, I had just un-manicured my hands, I just had shorts and a sweater on — all to say, I had no idea this was happening today! We drove around for a bit, because he said he had errands to run. I ended up picking up nail polish at Walmart, and did my nails absentimindedly in the car while I was waiting for him to run in and out of stores, “looking for something.”
Then we went to the post office, where he found out my ring hadn’t been delivered yet, and he was so disappointed, so I thought for sure, it wasn’t going to happen, and I couldn’t understand why he was upset, because I figured we had to wait until the weekend anyway, so it would be fine.
Well, we kept driving around town and just hanging out, and listening to music. We drove north through a couple of towns, and ended up getting off on a dirt road we’d been on before to go to these waterfalls we’d heard about but had never made it to. Our friends had wanted to go hiking the trail to these falls and had suggested it to us the weekend before, but he changed the subject so quick, it kind of raised my suspicions. So now heading down this road, I started guessing what was about to happen.
He still tried to confuse me though, until I noticed we’d driven around the same spot twice, and he finally gave up and made his way up to the trail. We got there, parked the car, and he went to get something out of the trunk, and to get my door. He walks up, hands me a dozen roses and leads me down this trail, and my heart is racing and I start to get all emotional, and I said, “I’m not crying, don’t look at me.” And he said, “Why are you crying?” And I said, “It’s a big deal!!!” Hahaha 😀
When we got to the falls, I was turned toward them, looking at the water, and I was petting our puppy Rex who was with us, and I turned around to Derek on his knee, with an open ring box in his hand! He gave a great speech and at the end asked, “Will you spend the rest of your life with me?”
I said, “YES!”
And it was the best moment ever!
We’re SO over the moon!

Somewhere along this hike, I asked him if he’d remembered to bring the bear spray, because hey, it’s bear season and all the bears are out of hibernation, and he said that he did. Only to tell me afterward that he didn’t but he didn’t want me to be worried the whole time. Lucky for him we didn’t see any 😉

More details to come…check out our Facebook and Instagram @therunyonranch
Your love and well-wishes is present enough, but if we’re honored with a gift from you, a small envelope for our future is a delightful blessing. Check out the link to our Paypal Wedding Registry.
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