Friday, April 1, 2016

House Hunting - Pre-Engagement Style

For the past few months, the Woodsman and I have been in the middle of house hunting. I say months because pretty much as soon as he got in his car, drove away and left me standing by the side of the street in a small town in California, in tears and too faint to walk to the door - dramatic, I know, but for real, long-distance relationships are no joke!!! Since about an hour after he drove off to Idaho, I was online looking for a house, an apartment, a room, a mattress on a floor -- anything(!), that would get me back in Idaho and back with him. So I've been house hunting for a while now, he's just recently joined the party, so this is getting serious now.

We have a definite move-in date set: the weekend after my graduation, so technically, we're all dressed up with nowhere to go. Still, nothing can damper my excitement levels.  I'll be living there alone until we get married, so it'll be my home for a little bit, but it'll also be OUR home. There's just something about looking for the place that you're going to call home with the love of your life.I wake up in the morning sometimes, and before I even open my eyes, my heart already flutters with excitement, because I have a sub-conscious countdown timer ticking away in my heart of how many days away D-day is!

There’s so many things that I know I’d be taking for granted if we didn’t go through this long-distance season: the fact that you can see each other and actually look at each other while you’re talking and not through the phone! Do you know how frustrating is to have to say, “I’m crying,” to explain why you’re quiet in the middle of a conversation?? Holding hands, saying goodnight and being dropped off at home, going to the movies, hugs, rainy days and coffee dates?! Ugh! But this is why I’m loving house hunting, as much of a pain as it is — because it means that in 52 days, the Woodsman and I will have a home to call our own – technically.

It’ll mean we can go on dates again, we can go on walks, we can go explore, we can start life and have some fun. This is funny, but it’ll mean we don’t have to use our words all the time, haha! Words are literally all we’ve had in this season. Words and good communication are some of the building blocks of our relationship and I’m so thankful that we’ve done so well in learning how to share our hearts. So don’t get me wrong, I love words, but I can’t wait to just sit and say nothing and not have to describe how I feel and not have to communicate every single passing emotion, but just be.So, that being said, we are house hunting. Please pray for us to have a lot of favor when it comes to finding a great pup-friendly location and a great rate because adulting is expensive ya’ll!

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